Feeling pressured to score 95+ if not 100/100 in Boards? People have done it before, and you can too. For example- Hitarth scored 99/100 in Chemistry. Do not worry, boards are coming up and you will do well. There is so much help available around us to guide you through this period of extreme anxiety and stress. This blog post here is another means to reassure yourself about getting the results that you dream of. I have also linked a video at the end of this article where toppers Hitharth (99/100) and Noor (98/100) share their experiences and discuss valuable tips for scoring exceedingly well in Boards. Here are our top 3 tips.
Tip#1) Curate a Schedule and Revise it Weekly
DO NOT copy a schedule that has been created by another student. What works for them, might not necessarily work for you. Sit down, reflect on your preparation until now, and make a custom schedule for yourself. You can also ask your parents, teachers, or tutors for advice on this. After your schedule is made, make minor changes on a weekly basis based on what you think will help you. Revisions and changes to your schedule are normal, and you should do it for practicing a sustainable routine.
Tip#2) Practice is Key
Make sure you do lots and lots of this. Focus on your weaknesses and solve as many questions centered on them as possible. Practice doesn't just involve reading, but also watching videos on related concepts and writing formulae and questions every single day. You can start by doing these MCQs right now.
Tip#3) Previous Years' Solved Boards Papers
I cannot stress this enough but this is actually the single-most-important trick to crack those amazing boards results, so practice as many papers as you can over and over again. Pro tip: Compulsorily solve the past 10 years papers. Don't wait until the last minute, start today. It's okay if you haven't completed the entire syllabus, glance over the questions that feel familiar.
You are all familiar with these tips and that's already a step in the positive direction. To shore you up, here is the cherished video with the toppers' tips that I am sure you are looking forward to watching. I sincerely hope this blog has helped you feel a teeny bit better. Good luck, and remember you will survive and, with an extra bit of effort, thrive!
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Here is a specific video on HALOALKANES and HALOARENES
Know more about the struggles of XIIth standard students
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